Directions for use of "The Great Commission App".

1. Download the “ Great Commission App” on google playstore or apple app store.

2. Register the app credentials with your own unique username and password.

3. Go to the site and login to “The Upper Room” with the same username and password.

4. Once you have entered your credentials on the “Upper Room” portion of the website, click on “The Upper Room” again to enter.

5. You are now ready to share the app with non-believers, who can state via video, audio, image, text or all the above, their heartfelt prayer requests.

6. Christians all over the world will be able to login and pray for these individuals.

7. Many non-believers will be challenged by our 1,000 evangelists that use the outdoor prayer altar set up (pictured below), but everyday lay believers will be able to use the “Great Commissin App” as a conversation piece to start a conversation about salvation in Jesus Christ with everyone they encounter.



Please make a donation of any size to help us complete and sustain this campaign which has eternal implications!

In this present world in which we live. Where it appears that evil is escalating on every side.  I often wonder what the first-century Apostles would do in this political and cultural climate that persists in America.

Would they let Christianity take a back seat to all of the forms of hypocrisy and evil that have been developed by Satan? At we are pleading with you. Please help us with a donation of any size to complete our mission of 1,000 Outdoor Prayer Altars in America.

And we thank you with all of our heart. And may God richly bless you for your donation.