
The ministry of the Outdoor Prayer Meetings using our signature Outdoor Prayer Altar has been a part of the ministry that has been very dear to my heart. We have had some phenomenal outdoor meetings. The Holy Spirit showed up in an awesome and extremely powerful way bringing deliverance and hope to people that we’re walking by on the street. 

We have purposely targeted some of the most dangerous areas on the southside of Chicago when performing our outdoor prayer meetings.

I remember very specifically that one Saturday on the corner of 71st and Woodlawn in Chicago we had an outdoor prayer meeting. We took authority over the demons in that vicinity and preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I remember coming through that intersection the next morning on Sunday and it was as if a cloud perfect peace resided over that intersection. It was that day that convinced me that if many churches got together and held prayer meetings simultaneously on many street corners in Chicago, that we could successfully come against the enemy and how he appears to run through our neighborhoods unchecked.

Please continue to pray for the outdoor Prayer Warriors. That more would rise up with the boldness that it takes to be involved in this type of ministry.

After all we are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every creature.

And we should go out and seek those who will not darken the doors of the local churches but must be reached on the street corner